Global Search file content in Gitlab repositories, search across repositories, search across all files-CarlZeng

How Global Search file content in Gitlab repositories(search across repositories)?

There is an existing answer to it, we can file the source code here

Yes, that’s a Gitlab solution sit in Github :-)    maybe you can find Github solutions/features in Gitlab repository too

Steps for Mac:

  1. Install the tool by npm in Terminal

    1. npm install -g gitlab-search

      After installation success, it make sense to prepare a GitLab access token now

  2. Create a GitLab personal access token


    2. Note: Make sure check-on ‘read_api’

      Grants read access to the API, including all groups and projects, the container registry, and the package registry.

    3. or Select ALL;  We can see all the existing token under: Active personal access tokens (*)

    4. Got token(Your new personal access token) like: _avcPZb6sd4sUWXe3***

    1. gitlab-search setup _avcPZb6sd4sUWXe3***

    2. Successfully wrote config to .gitlabsearchrc, gitlab-search is now ready to be used

  3. Usage sample:

    1. Search File content:
    2. gitlab-search functionabc

This’s a useful tool to globally search file content in gitlab repositories, enjoy it.