(How can I use Node.js in Netsuite?) NetSuite to run Node.js packages/modules, i.e. mozilla/pdf.js-CarlZeng

NetSuite’s javascript engine is Rhino(I.e. Rhino 1.7), we can not run node-based code on NetSuite, however,

write your code as, say, an npm module, and run npm scripts from the command line. I have done this in the past for unit testing, doc generation, eslint, etc. In order to actually run code in NetSuite, though, it must be in a plain .js file that NetSuite can interpret and load as a Library on your Script record.

Node.js in SuiteCommerce

downloading Node.js to use for SuiteCommerce.

How can I use Node.js in Netsuite?

20231008 Server端没有开启解释器,没配置环境,就无法识别原生的Node.js代码