Migration 1.1 Intracompany > AP-Vendor-CarlZeng

Payable to Vendor Step:Enter Vendor Bill -> Pay Bill最简单的账单输入,直接理解确认AP,然后找时间最后付款。Payable to Vendor With Accrual Step:Journal Entry -> Enter Vendor Bil…

Payable to Vendor
Step:Enter Vendor Bill -> Pay Bill


Payable to Vendor With Accrual
Step:Journal Entry -> Enter Vendor Bill -> Pay Bill

概念:An accrual is an expense incurred in a period for which no invoice had been received at the end of that period, such as depreciation, prepayments, etc. 比如:公司电费的暂估,由于电费的发票下月初才会提供到会计。

DR   X费用  6XXX

CR   AP     2XXX,Vendor,Department

Expectation:在Pay Bill的界面,要核对掉;这里具体的操作还待进一步细化。。。:)


  - 一种是先暂估,然后次月reverse掉,确认真实的发生金额。

  - 另外一种就是上面这样,先Journal

Payable to Vendor with Prepayment
A Step: Write Check -> Enter Vendor Bill -> Enter Vendor Credit

B Step: Write Check -> Enter Vendor Bill -> Enter Vendor Credit -> Pay Bill

Write Check把钱预付出去,(实际上钱已经达到供应商账户,看来货比较难买到的那种,比如企业排队批量买iphone6,:) )

收到货以后,Enter Vendor Bill,确认应付;

最后Vendor Credit抵消预付部分的钱款。

如果还是不够的应付的部分用Situation B中的最后一部Pay Bill来继续付款。