随笔 Carl Notes

IT解决方案 NetSuite ERP

下面介绍一下,我分析 资产, 财产asset的一些结论,全是netsuite的固定资产解决方案,希望对您有些帮助。~总体分类如下:模块一:proposal 提议; 建议模块二:资产dispose处理,模块三:revaluation再评估,模块四:depreciation折旧,模块五:registerReport资产注册报表,模块六:DepreciationScheduleReport折旧定期报表,...
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GETDATE()oracle 获取当前日期在netsuite中 设置某个date类型的数据即可以初始化其内容为当前日期。(Validation & Defaultingtab中设置) 应设置为 :{today}Define the formula ({today}-{startdate}) > 3 as a search filter to return only cases open fo...
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NetSuite OneWorld产品代理: 图腾盛视(北京)科技有限公司(TotemSute)是美国NetSuite公司在中国唯一的战略合作伙伴。美国NetSuiteInc.在中国地区的首家增值解决方案供应商。图腾盛视(北京)科技有限公司座落于北京市朝阳区建国路华贸商务中心。办公场地有600余平。管理团队由优秀的互联网技术、运营人员和有多年传统行业成功...
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Step Bar,在各个框架(Bootstrap,jQuery,Ext…)中都有提及,那如何让其与NetSuite无缝衔接呢?下面我就编辑了一个Step Bar与NetSuite兼容,并且可以按需调用。

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PL/SQL单行函数和组函数详解 函数是一种有零个或多个参数并且有一个返回值的程序。在SQL中Oracle内建了一系列函数,这些函数都可被称为SQL或PL/SQL语句,函数主要分为两大类: 单行函数 组函数 本文将讨论如何利用单行函数以及使用规则。 SQL中的单行函数 SQL和PL/S...
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销售订单审核自动发送邮件问题:销售订单界面有“提交审核”按钮,点击提交后会自动发送邮件给审核人,这个审核人可以实现指定发送给销售团队中的“主要”成员吗?Options- 在邮件系统中, 定义那个salesperson的email为一个group的email地址, 这样NS发送一份邮件到这个特殊的邮箱...
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$('div__header').innerHTML=''; $() 方法是在DOM中使用过于频繁的 document.getElementById() 方法的一个便利的简写,就像这个DOM方法一样,这个方法返回参数传入的id的那个元素。 客户端页面动态交互: 这样我们就可以用 request去执行一个ajax请求, 然后把responce(直接把内容)通过innerHTML 传递给...
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2008-12-12Agenda Topics - Day OneWelcomeCourse objectivesTopics and Agenda for entire courseNavigating the ApplicationLogging into NetSuiteGetting around the applicationLists vs. Transactions vs. Setu...
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footer_actions 是netsuite中 所有系统列表form页面都存在的对象,就是页脚那些可以用来排序,过滤等等的对象,我们可以对这些对象进行操作,包括定制,系统完成您操作后的动态刷新当前页面的功能。这个四个对象是包括在form:foot_actions中的,是四个隐藏的对象,在界面上无法查看到,是系统内置的用来动态管理其自身功能的变量。比如在导出时候:document.forms['...
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While we have team to maintain same project and (some times) same file, we use git commit to track feature by feature(or update by update) refinements/updates.  Each commit will pass to testing team for testing(usually testing in sandbox before deployment/release to Production), 

- There are chances of deploy multiple commits, after testing and confirm

- There can be few days or weeks after the commit been deploy/release to Production.

-- At that time, we might already forget where and when the last update has been made(even sometimes the feature/refinement has been forgotten), where is the last production version/status

- So here comes the challenge:

How to use Git branch to maintain the tesing commit to released PRD status?
Is there any comment or tag to show the status of the deployment to PRD
or the deployment note?
Use Tag?

The light way, fast way to do this can be git tag, we can create a simple tag AT deployment date/process.

By doing that, we track the last deployment commit/point; so we knows where is the status in Production, and the lasttest commit(s) in the branch log.  Each to refresh the memory on what updates has been made in sandbox(i.e.)

Detail operation, we can reference on the git tag usage, I.e. this article https://www.codenong.com/cs106325649/

How to given more note/description for Deployment Notes/Steps(some times it related with new custom objects), git tag has the comment paramter, the other way is to keep the deployment note in the commit message.

The other ways is using Branch to track the production status, but that will consume more times between deployment process, we can choose this option in same cases, depends on the project situation.
